Kilmore Art Expo - Judging


Anton Fenech - Judge

With 52 years of experience in the photography industry.


Darren Crothers - Judge

Darren Crothers, Representational Artist ...


Caroline Lewallen - Head Judge

Since childhood Caroline has always taken opportunity to paint and draw. At the age of 16 she sold her first watercolour painting and began selling her art at exhibitions. She has spent time indulging in watercolour, oils, and drawing for many years. Discovering pastels in 2011, Caroline began a new chapter in her artistic life.

"Through my pastel paintings I aim to show the viewer how there can be real beauty in the mundane", Caroline explains. She enjoys painting everyday scenes, that we may pass by without consideration and that are often taken for granted. recently she has explored the effects of using an alcohol underpainting, which melts the pastel creating intriguing textures and effects.

In 2012 she became a member of the Pastel Society of Victoria, Australia (PSVA) and has enjoyed sharing her artistic journey and aspirations with like minded people ever since. Not long after joining the PSVA Caroline became a committee member; over time filling the Vice President position and running several PSVA programs. In 2017 Caroline represented the PSVA at the international Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS) Convention held in Albuquerque New Mexico. This event enabled her to make connections with pastelists from around the world, bringing new ideas to the PSVA and heightening the profile of pastel artists in Australia. In 2019 she proudly became a Signature Member of the PSVA.

More recently oil painting has become a dominant focus for Caroline, with an emphasis on the classical methods, but she still takes every opportunity to work in pastel. 


Anne Anderson- Sculpture Judge

Anne has been sculpting for approximately twenty-five years. Her unique artworks seek to express passion and movement through varied mediums, including clay, steel, resin, cement fondu and bronze, as well as natural and found objects. A common theme in Anne's work is the human form, in combinations of contemporary and realistic design. 

She endeavours to explore the incidence of human experience and interpret revelations of our varied emotions. She believes artists are responsible for relaying messages about our troubled planet and connecting with human emotions within the unpredictable and ever-evolving journey of life.

Anne has won many prizes for her work , including a recent first place at the annual Toorak Village Sculpture Prize  and twice winning first place for best sculpture at the Annual Award of the Association of Sculptors Victoria. 

Anne currently lives and works from her studio, in Kyneton, in the beautiful Macedon Ranges, Victoria. She considers it a privilege to work in an industry where you can express your opinions and bring light to subjects worthy of discussion to promote change and/or improvement. She also believes in Beauty for beauty"s sake. 

Anne has been commissioned to create sculptures for:

"The Southport school", Gold Coast, Australia - Perpetual Rugby Trophy

"Women At Work, Queensland",Australia- Annual Winners' Trophy

The city of Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia- Permanent street art, corner Brougham & Moorabool Sts.

The West Brighton Club, Victoria, Australia- bronze sculpture at the entrance to Clubhouse. 


John Rapley- Photography judge

John, like a lot of us, had an interest in Photography in his teenage years, but with work, family and additional studies, it then took a back seat for a long time. 

Once he retired in 2010 he was able to give this hobby much more attention and made a significant effort to lift his work from happy snaps to a level he could be happy to show.

He joined the local Mitchell photography club around the same time and has served on the committee since then, with three years as President. 

He is also a member of the Craigeburn Camera Club and the Seymour & District Art Society. 

As part of the development of his art, and furthering his need to see what's over the next hill, he spends on average three months each year travelling around Australia and New Zealand. His interests are in landscapes and also architectural and social history, particularly in the more remote parts of the country. 

In 2019 John entered the Kilmore art Expo and was awarded first place in the photography section. 

In 2021 he entered the Kilmore art expo, the Kinglake Rotary art show and the Knox Rotary art show, achieving a first place In the photography section of each.

In 2022 he placed first in the photography section of the Whitehorse Rotary art show and first and second in the Knox Rotary art show.